Il faut toujours dire les choses aujourd'hui, car demain est fortement incertain. Et si demain n'existait pas...?
Dans les grandes lignes, simplement te dire merci pourrait être suffisant. Mais il manquerait quelque chose, ces immenses détails qui font que je te suis reconnaissante. Ce qu'auparavant j'avais cru être "aimer" n'était en fait
qu'insignifiance comparé à ce que je sens grandir en mon for intérieur en étant à tes côtés. Peut-être même est-ce trop...? Sûrement.
Mais c'est fou, car même si je sais que ça va fatalement me
retomber dessus et me détruire, je n'en ai rien à faire : le jeu en
mérite largement la chandelle de mes sentiments, qui se consume sans
fin et fait briller une lueur dans toute cette obscurité. Tu m'as montré une nouvelle facette de l'être humain, fait découvrir une nouvelle vision des relations amoureuses. Alors que je pensais que ce n'était peut-être tout simplement pas fait pour les gens tels que moi, tu m'as offert l'opportunité d'enfin réaliser que je le méritais aussi. Aujourd'hui je n'en ai plus aucun doute : oui, comme tout le monde, j'ai droit à l'amour. Je suis celle que je suis, mais je suis capable d'aimer ; et surtout je mérite d'être aimée. Tu fais remonter en moi ce que je peux avoir de meilleur, toute l'étendue de ce que mon cœur auparavant si fermé pouvait receler. Avec toi toutes mes barrières sont tombées et j'ai enfin pu ôter le lourd masque d'acier que j'ai pourtant toujours porté. Oui, j'ai appris à être moi-même ; que je sois belle, absolument ridicule, ou bien beaucoup trop sérieuse. J'ai réalisé que l'on pouvait se comprendre, communiquer, partager, s'amuser, rêver... Le tout dans la plus grande des sincérités. Grâce à toi j'ai changé, ma vie tout entière a été changée ; et ce pour le meilleur de mon moi dans l'avenir. Il y a de jolis romans qui finissent mal, d'autres mal écrits du début à la fin, mais tu es de ceux qui permettent de se rappeler que les belles histoires existent. Tu es mon livre préféré.
Pour ton sourire, ton rire, ta présence, tes attentions, tes gestes, tes regards.
Pour le moi que j'ai été, et celui que je suis devenu aujourd'hui.
Pour toi, parce que tu es tout simplement toi.
We must always say things today, because tomorrow is highly uncertain. What if tomorrow does not exist?
Basically, just saying thank you might be enough. But something would be missing, these immense details which make me grateful to you. What I had previously thinking that was "loving" was in fact insignificant compared to what I feel growing deep inside me by being by your side. Maybe it is even too much...? Certainly. But it is crazy, because even if I know that it will inevitably fall on me and destroy me, I do not care: the game fully deserves the candle of my feelings, which burns endlessly and makes it shine a light in all this darkness. You showed me a new side of being human, introduced me to a new vision of romantic relationships. When I thought maybe it just was not for people like me, you gave me the opportunity to finally realize that I deserved it too. Today I no longer have any doubt: yes, like everyone else, I have the right to love. I am who I am, but I am capable of loving; and above all I deserve to be loved. You bring out in me the best that I can have, the full extent of what my previously closed heart could conceal. With you all my barriers fell and I was finally able to remove the heavy steel mask that I have always worn. Yes, I learned to be myself; whether I am beautiful, absolutely ridiculous, or way too serious. I realized that we could understand each other, communicate, share, have fun, dream... All with the greatest sincerity. Thanks to you I have changed, my whole life has been changed; and this for the best of my self in the future. There are pretty novels that end badly, others that are poorly written from start to finish, but you are one of those who remind us that beautiful stories exist. You are my favorite book.
For your smile, your laugh, your presence, your attention, your gestures, your looks.
For the me that I was, and the one I have become today.
For you, because you are simply you.
Basically, just saying thank you might be enough. But something would be missing, these immense details which make me grateful to you. What I had previously thinking that was "loving" was in fact insignificant compared to what I feel growing deep inside me by being by your side. Maybe it is even too much...? Certainly. But it is crazy, because even if I know that it will inevitably fall on me and destroy me, I do not care: the game fully deserves the candle of my feelings, which burns endlessly and makes it shine a light in all this darkness. You showed me a new side of being human, introduced me to a new vision of romantic relationships. When I thought maybe it just was not for people like me, you gave me the opportunity to finally realize that I deserved it too. Today I no longer have any doubt: yes, like everyone else, I have the right to love. I am who I am, but I am capable of loving; and above all I deserve to be loved. You bring out in me the best that I can have, the full extent of what my previously closed heart could conceal. With you all my barriers fell and I was finally able to remove the heavy steel mask that I have always worn. Yes, I learned to be myself; whether I am beautiful, absolutely ridiculous, or way too serious. I realized that we could understand each other, communicate, share, have fun, dream... All with the greatest sincerity. Thanks to you I have changed, my whole life has been changed; and this for the best of my self in the future. There are pretty novels that end badly, others that are poorly written from start to finish, but you are one of those who remind us that beautiful stories exist. You are my favorite book.
For your smile, your laugh, your presence, your attention, your gestures, your looks.
For the me that I was, and the one I have become today.
For you, because you are simply you.